Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good bye

Good bye
"i wont say goodbye"
i wont say goodbye when i die
and i wont say goodbye when i fly into the sky
i wont say goodbye cuase it will hurt to bad
it will tare me inside
and i wont say good bye when you die
whats the use in saying it when it means we will never see each other again
Poetry © by Sara escobedo
Poem Submitted by Sara escobedo (),Sanmarcos,TX

Spining World
My heart doesn't beat normal anymore.
I wish it was the waybefore.
My world is constantly shaking,
and it's all his for the taking.
But as it keeps spinning I wonder why
I'd just like to lay here and die.
As I think of the guy I love,
the one that's an angel from above.
I recall the reason why I'm here,
down my face drips a tear.
A joyful tear, a tear of light,
to guide me all throughout the night.
Poetry © by Britany Drews
Poem Submitted by Britany Drews(13),Canada

Too Late
It's funny how the tables turn,
and that the world is one big burn.
But the only thing I want to burn is you,
your such an @$$ but we already knew.
You hurt me so much and you made me cry,
now I'm praying for you to die.
My wish was granted, now I'm glad,
because now the world isn't so bad.
So now it's your funeral and no-ones there,
I'm off having fun; why should I care?
No pig faced jerk to ruin my day,
no mean jack@$$ to get in my way.
I'll just keep living my life without you here,
in my world of peace; not of fear.
You lured me in; like a magnet to steel,
you didn't even care how I would feel.
I was used and uncomfortable but you were good,
I used to trust the way I should.
But now it's all over, now it's too late,
and every inch of me is filled with hate.
This world without you makes me smile,
cuz I won't be seeing your face for awhile.
Perfect World.
Then I look up and see you looking at me,
but I can always dream, don't you agree?

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