Tuesday, February 22, 2011

God, I Thank You

God, I Thank You

I am just a nobody seeking joy,
Just a simpleton dreaming to be coy,
Someone who couldn’t even buy a toy,
A man, incompetent to use a ploy.

But here I am, enjoying Your kindness.
You gave me hope, comfort and happiness.
I thank You for all that, Your Loftiness.
You have unfathomable seemliness.

Though I try to be a righteous servant,
I sin, falling short of being gallant.
I’ll never quit, though I am just a grunt,
‘Coz my dreams, I know someday, You will grant.

I dream of reaching heaven, my Lord God.
There, I’ll sing praises to Thee like a bard.
Today, while on this Earth, I will be glad.
I will serve thee till my last drop of blood.

Oh, God, please help me in my weaknesses,
In times when I’m confused and too clueless.
For with your help, I can attain success,
Without You, I’d rot in imperfectness.

I thank You, Father, for all that You’ve done.
You gave me my all, and my sweet someone.
Forgive me my sins, oh, Most Holy One.
Your Majesty, thank You, You made me man.

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